2009 also became the year for baldness. Goreans would be sponsored to become bald in support of Relay for Life Cancer Appeal.. they were then sponsored for extending the time they remained bald. It was an incredible experience, more than this one imagined. Going around Gor, one was continually IMed asking if one knew .. ones hair was missing. This gave the time to explain about Gorean RFL .. and the treasure of many to share their Real Life experiences of Cancer. Whether they were fighting the battle, or supporting family, friends or loved ones through the challenge and true battle of fighting cancer.. or involved professionally or in the voluntary sector. This one was deeply touched that they shared their experiences .... and is humbled knowing they had. Some are not here in the world, SL or RL now.. but they will be carried always in ones memories and heart... forever.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
A Time of bonding too......
We also took time to have some downtime mischief too, many a night we would form the kajirae Club!
Bath Night in Pembe.... afterall those feet certain saw some dance action! "A group that bathes together ... uhmm !"
Sooooo many giggles sounded through the night ... bringing the Group closer together.
Bath Night in Pembe.... afterall those feet certain saw some dance action! "A group that bathes together ... uhmm !"
BUBBLES of ALL Description!
the Dance Pit Raiders of Gor! kajirae Club took up residence on my Master's house roof!
He was a little shocked to log in to find we have build an extension to house a rather Posh dance pit of our own.... PERCHED on the side of HIS house!
(hmm Do Goreans require .. planning permission ?)
Sooooo many giggles sounded through the night ... bringing the Group closer together.
2009 Continued to be a great Year!
2009 .. continued to see the Dance Pit Raiders of Gor!.. grow... more and more dancers signed up for the adventure ..!

Raiding Tafa Trading Post... 2009..... middle of the night!
Raiding Port Kar... the scurge of the Thassa!... and where we made our first official Raider Poster... yes! the Dance Pit Raiders of Gor ... began to advertise and more interest in the dancers !
More and more Cities began to experience ... a 'Raid" as the group grew!
Ahhhhh... Glorius Ar! one of the BEST dance pits in Gor!... It was suspended in the air wayyyy above the Towers .. took some Raiding to get all the way into the city ..and up the Towers!
Some great Raids! Some great Cities! and .. some great Raiders joining along the way!
2009..was certainly a great year!

Raiding Tafa Trading Post... 2009..... middle of the night!
More and more Cities began to experience ... a 'Raid" as the group grew!
The Great Raids of Cardonicus! We found some special Raiders from here!
Terra de Luna .....
Avian Isles!
2009..was certainly a great year!
2009 - What a great Year!
2009 was the year of growth.. Dance Pit Raids became more frequent, each 'Raid' an adventure and a learning experience too!..... PLUS.... at each 'Raid' we began recruiting more and more dancers that joined in the fun and wanted to do more!
I will post a few of the many, many pictures that we took along the way.
it was great fun, we would select a City.. and spontaneously 'Raid' .. Imagine! the sight.. kajirae falling from the skies of Gor.. and scurry towards the dance pit of that City!... Some of the looks upon the faces of Warriors, Ubars and Citizens .. were priceless! All however were done in good spirit and as we progressed .. some Cities began to ask us to 'Raid' them!
In the early days .. not all went according to plan! but we always had fun...Pehaps we had found the Gorean equivalent of Simon Cowell... ? Even capped.. we still carried on dancing! (the cap was actually invalid and gave the moderator a good giggle in the middle of the night!)
Then there was the kidnapping incident... two dancing kajirae Raiders .. successfully fought off armed kidnappers .. using only brooms! ... all in good RP fun...
As in all Raids .. we always aim to have good spirited, respectful fun.. and this was quite an amuing IC RP....! Dance Pit Raiders of Gor! live to dance another day... LITERALLY!
As we began to gain more and more Cities, we also began to gain more new 'Raiders' . Unfortunately, not all those applying were quite ... uhmmm 'Raider' material.... but hopefully they went on to form a "Dancing tarsks of Gor!".. and we wished them well *giggling*
Once or twice we did find ourselves becoming on familiar terms with Gorean Magistrates and uhmm sherriffs.. but it's always good to have connections huh ?
In fact, if there was a dance pit, dance chair ..... dance pole ... pile of sand left out in any City across Gor...the Dance Pit Raiders of Gor! would find it.....and 'Raid"!
All good, mischievious fun, bringing Gorean slave dancing into the spontaneous world of Gor Cities!
It felt like the beginning of something VERY special... the celebration of Gorean slave dancing to entertain the Free.... and filled with laughter and a little RP along the way too!
I will post a few of the many, many pictures that we took along the way.
it was great fun, we would select a City.. and spontaneously 'Raid' .. Imagine! the sight.. kajirae falling from the skies of Gor.. and scurry towards the dance pit of that City!... Some of the looks upon the faces of Warriors, Ubars and Citizens .. were priceless! All however were done in good spirit and as we progressed .. some Cities began to ask us to 'Raid' them!
In the early days .. not all went according to plan! but we always had fun...Pehaps we had found the Gorean equivalent of Simon Cowell... ? Even capped.. we still carried on dancing! (the cap was actually invalid and gave the moderator a good giggle in the middle of the night!)
Then there was the kidnapping incident... two dancing kajirae Raiders .. successfully fought off armed kidnappers .. using only brooms! ... all in good RP fun...
As in all Raids .. we always aim to have good spirited, respectful fun.. and this was quite an amuing IC RP....! Dance Pit Raiders of Gor! live to dance another day... LITERALLY!
As we began to gain more and more Cities, we also began to gain more new 'Raiders' . Unfortunately, not all those applying were quite ... uhmmm 'Raider' material.... but hopefully they went on to form a "Dancing tarsks of Gor!".. and we wished them well *giggling*
Once or twice we did find ourselves becoming on familiar terms with Gorean Magistrates and uhmm sherriffs.. but it's always good to have connections huh ?
In fact, if there was a dance pit, dance chair ..... dance pole ... pile of sand left out in any City across Gor...the Dance Pit Raiders of Gor! would find it.....and 'Raid"!
All good, mischievious fun, bringing Gorean slave dancing into the spontaneous world of Gor Cities!
It felt like the beginning of something VERY special... the celebration of Gorean slave dancing to entertain the Free.... and filled with laughter and a little RP along the way too!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
CATCHING UP ON 2009, 2010 ..
Hoping to get 2009 & 2010 events and pics in here then we can build the 2011 together. Will fill in as fast as one can! Watch this space !
Friday, January 7, 2011
GORFEST 2009 - The Gorean Festival Week ..
The Raiders took part dancing on stage for GORFEST 2009. It was fun and helped raise donations to the cause. We even managed to have a Free Man dancing with us!.... OOC... of course!
You might notice a few with bald heads. People signed up to be sponsored to be shaved and remain bald for weeks at a time. The more people donated/sponsored the longer we were bald.
GOREAN RELAY FOR LIFE 2009 - Dance Pit Raiders...
The Dance Pit Raiders of Gor danced alongside the Relay track (where teams would relay the many sims over 24 hours). The BIG Relay Weekend comes at the end of the Relay for Life season.. each hour of the relay is given a theme. Themes include Survivors, Carers.. remembering. Originally the Raiders were asked to dance and support those relaying for the "Colours of Cancer" Hour. We danced in the theme of colours, each Raider wearing a camisk of different colours. We cheered on those relaying.. we danced .. we got those coming to watch to dance. At the end of the hour, we just kept going. 15 hours later, the Raiders were still going strong. Cancer doesnt sleep.. neither did we. Despite the Sims crashing TWICE due to the number of people in the Sims, everyone continued.. in the support of RFL 2009!
* 2009 Relay Map of the Sims
* Official 2009 RFL "Many Colours of Cancer"
* Dance Pit Raiders of Gor - Dance the Many Colours of Cancer Hour...
then continue for 15 hours more!
The votices you see lining the Relay track became sponsored by those visiting or relaying the Sims. There were thousands.. yes, thousands of votives lining the track. Each one dedicated to a survivor, families, friends of those fighting the battle, those involved in the research or professional caring of those with Cancer, and those that had not survived but remain in the momory, hearts and thoughts .. always. In the evening the votives are lite as the Sims are darkened.. in rememberance.. lighting up the whole relay track around all the Sims. A time to reflect.
* 2009 Relay Map of the Sims
* Official 2009 RFL "Many Colours of Cancer"
* Dance Pit Raiders of Gor - Dance the Many Colours of Cancer Hour...
then continue for 15 hours more!
The votices you see lining the Relay track became sponsored by those visiting or relaying the Sims. There were thousands.. yes, thousands of votives lining the track. Each one dedicated to a survivor, families, friends of those fighting the battle, those involved in the research or professional caring of those with Cancer, and those that had not survived but remain in the momory, hearts and thoughts .. always. In the evening the votives are lite as the Sims are darkened.. in rememberance.. lighting up the whole relay track around all the Sims. A time to reflect.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
The Dance Pit Raiders of Gor!.... were proud to be part of the Gorean Relay for Life 2009. It was an emotional journey, we danced throughout the year donating all our tips to RFL.... we dance.. to make a difference.. and each year we continue to dance for RFL.... until the cure for cancer is found!
This is the video made for RFL 2009.. it is touching! The pictures at the beginning are those that are no longer with us in this life though we carry them in our hearts. We dance for the gift of a tomorrow..and for those not yet born, may the world become a place without the need for the true battle.. Goreans united in the battle for a Cure...
(spot some of the Raiders around 2:11)
This is the video made for RFL 2009.. it is touching! The pictures at the beginning are those that are no longer with us in this life though we carry them in our hearts. We dance for the gift of a tomorrow..and for those not yet born, may the world become a place without the need for the true battle.. Goreans united in the battle for a Cure...
(spot some of the Raiders around 2:11)
The beginning... "this is how we started..."
Imagine two mischievious kajira in the middle of the night. Left to their own devices, they began to dance, they loved to dance at every given opportunity.... but it was one of those nights, perhaps the three moons were full, or the paga fumes from the Pembe Village Tavern where they were dancing had become just that little too strong... they had.. an idea!
With the cover of darkness, they began to sneak into the Cities of Gor.... searching out the dance pits.. and dancing away having fun.... as time progressed they grew bolder. They began to 'Raid' the Cities more often, beginning to grow both audiences and recruit new members to become Dance Pit Raiders. Each night a new City...a new adventure as the group of dancers grew.. so did the fun!
With the cover of darkness, they began to sneak into the Cities of Gor.... searching out the dance pits.. and dancing away having fun.... as time progressed they grew bolder. They began to 'Raid' the Cities more often, beginning to grow both audiences and recruit new members to become Dance Pit Raiders. Each night a new City...a new adventure as the group of dancers grew.. so did the fun!
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